Unlike painters, who can mix pigments to achieve any color they desire,
jewelry designers are limited by the finite color palette of gem and
mineral hues that nature provided. That hasn't stopped designer Diana
Heimann who has created her own copyrighted technique for achieving, as
she puts it, "mysterious colors unforeseen in nature," by layering what
seem like pedestrian gemstones such as blue topaz, amethyst, citrine,
garnet, and peridot. Heimann achieves new colors through the
combination of gem tones and reflected light. Her "Kaleidoscope"
collection includes earrings, rings, pendants, opera length necklaces,
and charm bracelets. "Some pieces are reversible, too," says Heimann.
"But the real magic is in the fresh colors like periwinkle you see when
gazing upon these mixtures."
— Jeff Prine
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Diana Heimann brings her signature style to a fresh and beautiful collection of bridal engagement and wedding rings. |